
Clone the Ekratia repository:

$ git clone

This project was created using cookiecutterdjango_

Setup project locally

The steps below will get you up and running with a local development environment. We assume you have the following installed:

  • pip
  • virtualenv
  • PostgreSQL

First make sure to create and activate a virtualenv, then open a terminal at the project root and install the os dependencies:

$ sudo ./ install

Then install the requirements for your local development:

$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Then, create a PostgreSQL database with the following command. We will call the database ekratia

$ createdb ekratia

You can now run the usual Django migrate and runserver command:

$ python migrate

$ python runserver

Live reloading and Sass CSS compilation

If you’d like to take advantage of live reloading and Sass / Compass CSS compilation you can do so with the included Grunt task.

Make sure that nodejs is installed. Then in the project root run:

$ npm install

Now you just need:

$ grunt serve

The base app will now run as it would with the usual runserver but with live reloading and Sass compilation enabled.

To get live reloading to work you’ll probably need to install an appropriate browser extension

Run Unit Tests

python test

Front-end Application

We use bower to manage the Front-end dependencies. The project already has a compiled and minified version of the dependencies. So you only need to run it when adding new dependencies.

npm -g install bower
bower install

Path of front-end libraries: /bower_components